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Ysgol Penglais CPC Challenges

Competitors' Challenges

Description Statement Analysis C++ Python
Number Triangle IOI 1994 Day 1 Prob 1 Triangle replit
Fibonacci's Revenge BIO 2000 Finals Task 1 Fibonacci Strings replit
A Plus B IOI 2023 Practice Task 1 A Plus B replit replit
Splash of Milk BIO 2023 Finals Task 1 Graph #1 replit

Beginners' Challenges

Description Statement C++ Python
Zeno Revisited Challenge 1: Zeno replit replit
ROT13 Challenge 2: ROT13 replit replit
Graph Problems - I Challenge 3: Graphs, Pt. 1 replit replit
Dozenal Converter Challenge 4: Decimal to Dozenal Converter replit replit
Arbitary Precision - I Challenge 5: Big Numbers Pt. 1 replit replit
Kaprekar Challenge 6: Kaprekar replit replit
Permutations Challenge 7: Permutation Generator replit
Barber Shop Challenge 8: Barber replit replit